Thursday, June 23, 2011

The End.

Well, I realized that I kind of left my blog hanging and wanted to come back to give it some closure. The bottom line was that I stopped doing lunaception because after trying it for months I really saw no results what so ever. I was disheartened to say the least as I really had put a lot of faith and research into the method and I followed the steps to a T. My cervical fluid only showed minimal improvement and I still had prolonged breakthrough type bleeding (like for 2 months straight) and long cycles, even after months of doing lunaception. I think I ovulated once within a couple of days of using the night light, but with inconsistent results, I'd say it was a fluke.

So all in all, after doing lunaception for 7 months, I would say that lunaception did not deliver what it promised and so I am moving on to trying new things! I still want to be able to use natural family planning and get my cycles back on track. I'm thinking of doing a healthy-diet overhaul. If I find something that works, I will post it here.

Good luck to all of you!