So the full moon came and went and I am still waiting for ovulation. I was really keeping my fingers crossed that I'd ovulate this full moon. It would have given me a bit more hope and lifted my spirits...but no...didn't happen. Maybe the next full moon?
Also on Saturday (CD 77) my spotting actually turned into a light period, so now I'm having more like anovulatory bleeding. Here's a "which came first, the chicken or the egg?" kind of question for you...Which comes first, your period or ovulation?......
You actually first ovulate and then get your period. You get your period because you ovulate, not the other way around. Thus if you start bleeding, but you didn't ovulate that cycle, it's called anovulatory bleeding and ovulation can still happen anytime. Technically, even though you may have a period like flow, it's still part of the same cycle. On my chart however, you may notice that I only put spotting down. That's because if I put that it's any heavier, the software starts a new cycle for me...which I don't want.
I hope this flow stops sometime soon!!! It seems like it's been forever. Thank God for the divacup though! It does make life soooo much better. (I'm definitely going to have to write a post singing my praises on the divacup! But for now, check out this great article on the divacup: http://blog.earthlingshandbook.org)
Another observation: My temps seem to be leveling out again. For a while my chart looked like a roller coaster ride, and that's why I was actually anticipating anovulatory bleeding...which I was right about. Now it seems like it's getting back to normal. Maybe I'll ovulate sometime in the near future. At this point I don't care as much if it happens on the full moon. I just want this cycle to be over!
Today also makes 1 full month that I've been sleeping in total darkness. 2 more months to go!
As a side note, I posted some resources to the right like helpful books and links Lunaception. I'll post more when I can and as I find them.
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