Current Status: Day 101 of Lunaception
I think I FINALLY ovulated! I can't say with 100% certainty but it looks probable....
The day after my last post I started spotting again, Christmas eve no less. I had 2 temps that I marked as disturbed because I had a fitful sleep and thought the temperature was higher than usual due to that. The day after my last post I started spotting again and thought it was all going to be down hill from there, so imagine my surprise when I notice my temperature starting to creep up! Now, my luteal phases are usually 14 or 15 days and my temps usually go into the low 98's, but it has happened once before (in 2008) that I had an 8 day luteal phase and my temps were pretty much in the same range you see on my chart above (the 26th - 31st). So a 6 day luteal phase, after such a weird and long cycle looks plausible, especially since my temperature dropped when the bleeding really started coming. A progesterone deficiency looks like a possible explanation for the short L.P.
I'm pretty sure the bleeding that I got on 1/1 was my period because it was much heavier, and continues to be heavy, than any of the days that I previously had a period like flow in this cycle. This might actually be a +1 for Lunaception and I'll explain why a little more down below.
If this is the case, then I ovulated 3 days after last using the light for the first time after my 3 months of darkness (or 4 days after the full moon). It could have been a fluke...after all I was on CD 139 and maybe it was just time, but I did notice an increase in EWCF on all the days I used the light. We'll just have to see during the next full moon.
So here's the summary of this cycle:
1st Lunaception cycle data:- Total length: 146 days (-1)
- Ovualtion: CD 140 (3 days after last using the night-light, or 4 days after the full moon) (+1)
- Luteal Phase: only 6 days and period came 3 days before new moon (-1)
- lots of EWCF after sleeping with lights on (+1)
- No back pain when getting period (+1)
- Very heavy flow (+1)
Because I took so long to ovulate, I counted that as a negative for Lunaception, but finally ovulating only 3 days after the using the night-light and getting a lot of EWCF after the first night of sleeping with the light, was definitely 2 points in favor of Lunaception. If you look back to my
second post, one of the things I am expecting to achieve with this is a shorter period. Louise Lacey states that Lunaception often does shorten your period, however, it's at the expense of a heavier flow. I guess it's kind of like when you play sports. Your periods often shorten up, but get heavier. I wear a divacup and normally change it 4 times total on my heaviest day (about every 4 hours). However, it's only 5:00 pm now and I've already had to change it those 4 times (with about 1 1/2 - 2 hrs in between 2 of those changes). I'm hoping that this heavier cycle means less days total. If so, than like a said, that's a point in favor. Lunaception supposedly decreases PMS symptoms...I'm hoping that's why I did get the lower back pain I normally get when my period is about to some....I'll verify next cycle though....
I'll post my new chart next time. Until then, happy new year!!