I was so excited I had stopped spotting, and then the day after my last post the spotting began again. So, I started taking female harmony again today. Hopefully it'll help again. I think the problem is that this cycle has been going on for too long and probably my endometrium lining is too thick and can't sustain itself anymore because all it's been doing is building up and up since I haven't ovulated in more than 3 months. If I could just ovulate, I'm sure I would stop spotting.
I think another problem is that because I've been sleeping in complete darkness all the time with the exception of a couple of days, my body is actually producing too much melatonin and this in turn is preventing ovulation. I haven't been offsetting sleeping in darkness with spending more time in the sun during the day or turning on the lights at night to balance the melatonin production because I didn't want to introduce a whole bunch of variables at once. But I suspect that all this darkness is screwing with my cycles. I think I'm one of those people who needs the 3 nights of lights. However, I did promise 3 months solid of darkness and I've got one more month to go. I wonder if the 3 days that I did have egg-white cervical mucus (EWCM) and no spotting occurred because I had to keep turning on the lights to take care of my little sister at night. If so, that could be a +1 for Lunaception when I finally do start turning on the lights at night.
3 more comments about my chart above:
1. I've added another category called "Lunaception Not Practiced" to show the days where I didn't sleep in total darkness for one reason or another. I feel like this would give me (and anyone else who reads my blog) a clearer picture of how closely I've been following Lunaception. 2. The full moon was actually yesterday, on Sunday, but you can see on my chart that it's showing up that it's today. I have no idea why. I inputted the data correctly on the TCOYF online software. I suspect it's some sort of glitch. Sometimes using the free charts on TCOYF is so annoying! They can take forever to update and lots of times the functions and options don't work like their supposed to. Hopefully this error will correct itself soon. I'm sure the paid version works better.
3. The cycle day on the chart really only goes up to the first two digits, so since I've hit 100, all you see is 10. I guess you have to start counting if you want to figure out what day I'm on.
Hopefully I'll have better news next week!
Happy Thanksgiving!!