What a week! Thursday was my little sister's birthday party, she just turned 6 --- yes there is an enormous gap between her and my older brother and I--- no, she was not an accident---Well, afterward my mom really wanted my husband and I to come over so we did. We hadn't planned at all on sleeping over but my mom had to pack her bags bc her and my dad were going to Brazil the next day to visit my sick grandma :'( and my little sister had to take a bath bc she had sand in her hair...so I stayed to help. My little sis was going to stay with my in-laws bc I'm busy with school, but I felt so bad bc she was so sad about the whole thing that I decided to sleep over my in-laws house too to help out. So that's where I slept from Friday to Tuesday. 4 days in hell. My sis kept my husband and I up at night coughing bc of a cold all 4 days. My little nephew also came over to play with my sis and it was just chaos all weekend. Little kids are cute...but they are exhausting!!! My husband and I would periodically look at each other and just shake our heads as if to say, "Nope...we are definitely not having kids within the next 10 years". I'm glad we're on the same boat. I'm back home now and looking forward to getting a restful full night's sleep.
Unfortunately, Thurday-Tuesday I wasn't able to sleep in pitch black darkness because my mother didn't have thick curtains and at my in-laws I was turning on the lights all the time to give my sister medicine. I did try to use a sleeping mask but halfway through the night I just took it off because I had to keep turning on the lights anyways. Sometimes life happens. Tonight though I am going to put the cardboard back up. You'll notice some of my temps are missing. I didn't have my thermometer one day, and another day I woke up too close to my temping time bc of my sis to consider it accurate.
This Friday I'm going to a bachelorette party and I'll proabaly be out all night...so no cardboard then either. I was actually supposed to go to Canada this coming Thursday - Monday, but unfortunately won't be able to. I had written about my concern of sleeping all those days in a less than pitch black room, but I guess I don't have to worry anymore.
Looks like sleeping 3 months solid in darkness if not as simple as it seems since life is full of unexpected things.
On a brighter note, it does seem like the bleeding finally stopped. Yesterday I had only the slightest tinge of pink but it seems to be all gone today. I'm going to take the female harmony one more day and then stop. I did start seeing some egg-white cervical fluid as you can see from my chart but I don't know if I can attribute it to lunaception, to the female harmony tincture, or to the fact that I wasn't able to sleep in total darkness these past few days. This is exactly what I was trying to avoid when I started lunaception...adding in new variables in so I didn't know which caused what. But like I said, what can you do when life happens? With things getting back to normal now, hopefully I'll be able to tell which did what and hopefully this egg-white means that ovulation is eminent bc I'm already on day 101 of this cycle. Sunday is a full moon--maybe I'll ovulate then? We'll see what happens.
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